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Write Into The Week

August 16, 2021

Week 1

What is one weird belief you had as a child?

When I was younger, I had a weird belief about debit cards. When you go to a store, and you are ready to check out the cashier will ask you to insert or swipe your card to pay. After doing so, the machine will typically ask you questions. One of the questions confirming the total cost and will most likely ask you a question along the lines of “is the amount $37.19 okay?”. I thought for years that if you selected the ‘no’ button, that it would then discount the cost of the product for the customer since they did not accept the final cost. I believed this all the way up until I was 16 years old. I had just gotten my first job at Panera Bread and my mom had finally let me get my first debit card. I took my brand-new debit card to the mall with one of my friends, ready to cheat the system and get my clothes for a discounted rate. I went to Hollister, picked out my clothes, and went to the checkout line. When the system asked me if the total was correct, I obviously clicked no. My card then got declined. It was that day that I realized there was, unfortunately, nothing I could do to change the cost of my clothes at checkout.

August 23, 2021

Week 2
What is one weird underrated quality you find attractive in a person? Why?

One super strange quality I find attractive in a person is when they are really handy. I have always been the type of girl to call my dad whenever there was any minor inconvenience in my life so I have never really learned how to fix anything on my own. (Although I do know how to change a tire :) ) However, when someone can just help me fix anything that I need done, I find that super attractive. 

August 30, 2021

Week 3
If you could be born in another era in history, which would you choose? Why?

If I could be born in another era in history, I would probably choose the 80’s. Growing up, my mom would always listen to an “oldies” radio station that would play a lot of music from the 80’s. To this day, I still will voluntarily listen to music from that time. I used to be obsessed with the way they dressed, and I used to be obsessed with movies like The Breakfast Club. Despite just the 80’s I love the idea of times before technology. I think it is insanely interesting how different life is now versus before technology was implemented. No cell phones, no laptops. I think about COVID and think about how much we relied on technology to get us through quarantine. Online school, virtual meetings, everyone working from home, that pandemic would have been handled in a completely different way even if it would have been 10 years ago. This generation relies on technology for everything, and I think it would be really interesting to experience a decade where it isn’t that way.

September 8, 2021

Week 4
When I'm angry I tend to...

When I am angry, I tend to shut down. I shut everyone and everything out and completely shut myself down. I am not a very confrontational person, so it is one of my biggest fears to argue with someone. If someone or something gets me angry, instead of facing the problem head on, I choose to just keep my anger inside and not share what is bothering me. This is very problematic for me. Since I never release my anger or talk about my problems, it constantly feels like these emotions are building up inside of me and one day I am just going to explode. There are very few people that I am comfortable with to share what is bothering me because I feel like I am annoying them with my problems. On the other hand, I feel as though I am always the first person to ask other people what is going on with them and I am always the first person other people run to when complaining about their problems. When I am angry, I tend to release my emotions using sports or working out. My way of calming down includes setting up a tee and hitting softballs, going for a run, or going to the gym. Those are all activities I am capable of doing by myself and are easy ways to get my mind off of whatever is going on.

September 13, 2021

Week 5
If your life were a video game, which level would be the most difficult to get through? Why?

If my life were a video game, level 3 would be the most difficult in my opinion. I would best define my level 3 as my college years thus far. Before attending ISU, I went to a community college where I played softball. During these two years at my community college, I really had to teach myself balance. Between school, softball, and my social life, there were not enough hours in the day to do everything I wanted to do. So, I had to teach myself how to prioritize. No matter how much I did not want to do my schoolwork, I knew how important it was that that was my top priority.

            Outside of my school experience, these past 3 years have been the most difficult for me on a personal level. From my parents splitting up and getting divorced, to my dad moving seven hours away from home, and experiencing death in a close friend, you can say these past 3 years have been nothing short of difficult. Also, due to attending community college and COVID hitting during my first year at ISU, I have never really experienced a true college experience. I am trying to take this year to learn how to enjoy myself at school and make enough friends that will help me enjoy the experience.

            While it has been a hard few years, I would never trade my experiences for anything and I am so excited to see what the future holds for me.

September 20, 2021

Week 6
What is one phrase you wish you could ban from everyone's vocabulary? Why?

 One phrase I wish I could ban from everyone’s vocabulary is the normality of calling someone “retarded”. This word originated as an adjective describing the lack of one’s mental capabilities. It is most frequently used when describing someone in the disabled community or someone with a mental impairment. More recently, this term is being used by people as an insult to call someone else stupid or dumb. This use of the word or phrase essentially degrades the people in the disabled community, making it seem like an insult for something to be wrong with them. This phrase of “you’re retarded” has become extremely normalized despite how incredibly offensive it is.

September 27, 2021

Week 7
If you could become Earth's official tour guide to aliens, where would you take them? Why?

If I became a tour guide for aliens, the first place I would take them is the city of Chicago. Not only is it close to home but it is one of the biggest cities in the United States. There are plenty of things to do in the city, I would take my aliens to a Cubs game (assuming it is baseball season). Afterward, we would go to millennium park and see the bean and walk to the lake. If I had all the time in the world, I would also love to take the aliens to the Shedd Aquarium because that is by far my favorite thing to do in the city. I chose Chicago as my first stop on my tour because I would want to take them to a big city. It would also be cool to take them to New York, however, I have never personally been there and I would not at all be a good tour guide in NYC.

October 4, 2021

Week 8
What's one thing about your life that you would miss when you're 80? Why?

While 99% of my time is currently spent complaining about the very few inconveniences I have in my life, looking at the big picture of life, there are so many good things in it that I take for granted. This question is hard for so many reasons because my life right now is already going to look completely different than my life in even 2 years. The biggest thing I value in my life is my family. While I would love for my family to stay the same forever, I know that just isn’t rational. There are so many traditions that my family takes part in that I want to last my entire life. From Thanksgiving’s together, to opening presents on Christmas mornings, going to my grandpa’s lake house, and our bi-yearly trip to Siesta Key, Florida, spending time with my family never gets old. However, looking at the big picture of life, I don’t expect either one of my parents to live until 110 (but if they did, that would be FANTASTIC). I never want any of these traditions to die and I want to eventually be able to show my kids and my grandkids how important family truly is.

October 11, 2021

Week 9
Describe a new olympic sport in which you would definitely medal in.

If napping were an Olympic sport, I would 100% receive a gold medal. I am not a morning person what-so-ever, so waking up for my morning classes is always a challenge. When I have no obligation to wake up in the morning, I am usually able to sleep in until about 12 or 1. However, due to the fact that I have morning classes 4 days out of the week, I quite often find myself taking an afternoon nap most days. When I take these naps, it is pretty hard for me to not be asleep for at least 2 hours, if not more. My longest nap record was 4 hours and about 45 minutes. While I realize this is an extremely unhealthy habit of mine, I just love sleeping too much.

October 18, 2021

Week 10
Imagine your daily routine had been turned into a reality TV show. Which parts would be the most talked about? Why?

If my daily routine was made into a reality TV show, my cooking skills would by far be the most talked about segment. Growing up, I was very fortunate to have a mom that cooked dinner for me every night. Now that I am in college, I am realizing that’s not a huge advantage. There are about 3 meals (maybe) that I know how to cook. Those meals include pasta, eggs, and tacos… on a good day. Other than that, my cooking skills are quite pathetic. If I was shown on a reality TV show trying to cook, it would definitely be the most embarrassing thing ever. From burning frozen meals to eating dry chicken, no one, ever, need to experience my cooking. 

October 25, 2021

Week 11
What's one sign you would probably stay friends with someone for life? How do you know?

            I personally am all about trust. I personally have a really hard time trusting pretty much anyone in my life. That being said, knowing I am able to trust a particular person is a huge sign that I would be able to be friends with them for life. I am the type of person to hold everything inside and never really tell anyone anything because I never know if I can trust that person. However, I have a few select friends that I have been friends with for a while that I am able to trust and tell stuff to. That is a huge deal for me and they are aware of that. So, if there was one sign that I knew I had a lifelong friend, it would be that I am able to trust that person.

November 3, 2021

Week 12
Imagine we all had to start over on Mars and you were responsible for choosing who gets to be a part of Humanity 2.0. How would you decide on who to accept?

If I got to decide who gets to make up a new humanity, I would base my decision off what toppings people like on their pizza. There are so many weird things that people like on their pizza now that just makes me cringe. Sardines, pineapple, and coconut are just completely unacceptable in my opinion. If you like these toppings on your pizza, you are not allowed in my Humanity 2.0.

November 8, 2021

Week 13
Describe a moment that made you feel like a real grown-up.

One moment that really made me feel like a grown up would be when I had to finally move out on my own. Going to community college my first two years of college, I still lived with my mom who did everything for me. Cooking, laundry, groceries, I never had to worry about any of it. My junior year of college, I finally got my own apartment in Normal. It was traumatizing. Within the first week of living on my own, I quickly realized that I had no idea how to do anything and I was getting extremely homesick. My mom was getting calls from me multiple times a day from me asking basic common knowledge questions. It was quite pathetic. However, living on my own for an entire year really helped me learn and grow on my own and it also really made me feel like a grown-up.

November 15, 2021

Week 14
If you didn't have to sleep every night, 
what would you do with all the extra time?

If I was able to feel completely energized without sleeping, I would use my extra time doing the little things I feel as though I don’t have time for right now. I constantly catch myself saying that there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything I want done, so if I was able to use those extra 8 hours, I would feel so much more productive. I don’t think I would use this time to do anything crazy, I think I would just be able to actually get all my homework done without stressing out, along with having more time to spend with family and friends. When I’m at home, my mom doesn’t get home from work until around 7:30 and so we just eat dinner together and by the time we’ve finished cooking, eating, and cleaning up, it is just about time for her to get ready to go to bed. I always feel like I don’t get to spend very much time with her so it would be nice to have that little bit of extra time to spend with her.

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